Over 80% of all coke oven batteries around the world are operated with by-product units. In conjunction with our customers we develop cost-effective plant concepts tailored to the local infrastructure. We integrate individual new batteries into existing plants and for completey new sites we prefer to install for our customers compact high-capacity coke oven batteries that facilitate exceptionally efficient operation.
Some outstanding examples of major coke oven plants based on this principle are:
Schwelgern (8.4 m chamber height, 2.6 million t/year coke)
HKM (7.8 m chamber height, 1.13 million t/year coke)
Hyundai (7.6 m chamber height, 5.0 million t/year coke)
POSCO Gwangyang (7.6 m chamber height, 2.8 million t/year coke)
Risun (6.8 m chamber height, 3.9 million t/year coke, stamp charging).
In the past 10 years, we have employed exceedingly low-emission processes in nearly all our projects, including our single-chamber pressure control system EnviBAT and quench towers with extremely low fugitive door emissions, so-called "low-emission quench towers" (LEQTs), such as CSQ towers. Our advanced heating flue design COMBIFLAME 2.0® represents a quantum leap towards achieving minimal thermal NOx formation, thus obviating the need for DeNOx systems downstream of the batteries in most cases.
For sites with high energy costs where there is no need for a common energy system for the steelworks and the coke oven plant, heat recovery technology is ideal. With this technology, the raw gas formed during coking is combusted in the ovens, thus directly generating the heat required for the coking process. Electric power can also be recovered from the flue gas.