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The uhde® entrained-flow gasification process with direct quench (PDQ) is an optimized design of the proven PSG gasification process for chemical applications (e.g. ammonia, methanol, hydrogen, synthetic fuel) and IGCC plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS), where hydrogen-rich syngases are required. Here, the technologically advanced dry feed system, multiple burners and membrane wall of the uhde® entrained-flow gasification process with steam generation (PSG) are combined with a proprietary water quench system which saturates the raw syngas with water for subsequent gas treatment.
Capital-intensive systems, such as the waste heat boiler system, the dry fly ash removal system and the quench gas compressor, are therefore no longer required.
INPUT: feedstocks with low ash content or low ash softening point.
OUTPUT: Hydrogen-rich syngas for chemical applications, such as ammonia, methanol, synthetic fuels, or electrical power with carbon capture and storage/utilization (CCS/CCU).