Versatility of renewable hydrogen - in the gas grid and beyond
In addition to the direct use of renewable hydrogen, there are many applications that extend its breathtaking capabilities even further. These range from its use as an energy carrier to its use in the production of synthetic fuels or fertilizers. It is here that thyssenkrupp boasts a unique range of technologies, such as the world-leading Uhde ammonia process, which produces green ammonia from nothing but air, water and sunlight (or other renewables). Ammonia is, in turn, an exceptional energy carrier for long distances, bridging the great distances between regions with high renewable production capacities and those with less capacity but high demand. Click here to learn more about green Ammonia.
Although hydrogen can be directly injected into the gas grid, it is only possible in limited quantities. A good option is therefore to convert it into synthetic natural gas using thyssenkrupp’s methanation process. This was successfully proven in the "STORE&GO" demonstration project by means of a pilot plant, and the multi megawatt concept developed is now ready to go. Click here to learn more about our green SNG.