EnviNOx® - State of the Art Technology for Climate Protection

Over 60 of the EnviNOx® systems designed and built by Uhde are now in operation worldwide and currently reduce CO2-equivalent emissions by approximately 17 million metric tons a year. Another ten systems of this type have already been sold and their commissioning is also in the offing.


EnviNOx®-Reactor in Linz

EnviNOx® reduces CO2-equivalent emissions by more than 150 million metric tons by late 2020.

The specific effect of N2O and other nitrogen oxides (NOX) on the climate is many times higher than that of CO2. That’s a good reason to remove these substances directly at source. EnviNOx® was born from the initial solutions for NOX reduction developed and sold by Uhde for nitric acid plants in the 1980s. The process has been in use successfully since the turn of the millennium, reducing N2O by up to 99 % and achieving almost zero NOX emissions. “Green development” remains crucial for making core technologies less polluting and thus counteracting climate change. For all our sakes.