thyssenkrupp Uhde Japan

We are a company of thyssenkrupp group

thyssenkrupp is an international industrial and technology company employing around 100,000 people across 48 countries.

Under the umbrella brand thyssenkrupp (result of a merger in 1999 of Thyssen and Krupp), the group creates long-term value with innovative products, technologies and services and help make life better for future generations. To this end, the company pursues ambitious climate protection targets and optimizes its won energy and climate efficiency. At the same time, it uses its diverse abilities along the relevant value chains to play a significant role in driving forward its customers’ green transformation.

More information on thyssenkrupp AG

Segments of thyssenkrupp

thyssenkrupp Uhde Japan Ltd. (tkUJ) is a subsidiary of thyssenkrupp Uhde, which belongs to the Decarbon Technologies segment in thyssenkrupp group.

In the Decarbon Technologies segment businesses are combined which have key technologies for the green transformation: thyssenkrupp rothe erde, thyssenkrupp Uhde, thyssenkrupp Polysius and thyssenkrupp nucera.

More information on Decarbon Technologies

Uhde is the "pure play" in chemical plants and processes

Founded 6 April 1921
1st Ammonia plant in 1928

More information on our history

We create a livable planet

thyssenkrupp Uhde connects 100 years of strong heritage with the future. Thanks to our innovations and solutions, we helped to provide food, mobility, and much more to the world. We strive to minimize emissions, reduce feedstock consumption - and with green chemicals, help to decarbonize and defossilize value chains.

More information on our purpose

Our mission statement

What is important is that customers, partners and employees work together as a team to create new value. Our corporate slogan "engineering. tomorrow. together." expresses this idea and is at the same time the cornerstone for leading and succeeding in the future of the industry.

Our parent company, thyssenkrupp Uhde, is present on all five continents, where different cultures and lifestyles, as well as highly skilled and passionate employees, work together. The curiosity, imagination and intuition of these employees are the driving force of the organization and an invaluable asset.

Mission statement

thyssenkrupp Uhde has global footprint of reference over 2,500 plants

Corporate Outline

Corporate Namethyssenkrupp Uhde Japan Ltd.
FoundedApril 19, 2022
DirectorsMisa Djenic, Bjoern Hoppe, Takayuki Suzuki, Hidehiro Tani
Shareholderthyssenkrupp Uhde GmbH
AddressPMO Bldg. 2F (218), 12-10 Nihombashi Kayabacho 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0025 Japan

History of thyssenkrupp Uhde Japan

thyssenkrupp Uhde has 150 years of experience of coke plants


Providing EPC Solutions to Asia-Pacific and Beyond

Product & Technology

Within thyssenkrupp Uhde, the Coke Plant Group has built more than 3,000 coke ovens in Japan and, as the world's No.1 coke oven plant maker, has developed a wide range of businesses through provision of the state of art technologies, EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) and outer services (such as hot repair work including through walls repair). In addition, we also have a wealth of project experience in coke oven-related machines and GTP (including desulfurization and sulfuric acid plants), and brings together its accumulated expertise, as well as EnviBAT and other cutting-edge decarbonization-related technologies, to meet the diverse needs of customers.

Moreover, we have been contributing to the creation of a sustainable society by reducing carbon dioxide emissions through the utilization of our historic ammonia technology and the development of carbon-to-chem and methanol technologies.

Expansion of the business area into Asia under the control of Uhde's head office in Dortmund, Germany. Rec, technical cooperation has also been promoted with bases in India, Thailand, Brazil and other countries.

thyssenkrupp Uhde Japan office - how to find us

Our office is located in Chuo-ku, within the business district of Nihombashi Kayabacho. You can find us directly in front of Exit 1 at Kayabacho Station, conveniently situated at the intersection of the Hibiya Line and Tozai Line.

PMO Bldg. 2F (218), 12-10 Nihombashi Kayabacho 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0025 Japan

Directions as PDF document